Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Build - Wk 33

This week the posts were lacquered and they look great – all the rich colours of the wood have now come through.  Toby did some tests on the outside render with the final lime render.  So far so good, so now we just need to wait until the rest of the render dries out.

The Build - Wk 32

Final work was completed in the loft area with final plastering being added. During the week, Phil worked on the architraves for all the internal doors and they look great in place. As all the doors had been dipped to remove the many layers of paint, some of the chemicals used are still leaching from the doors, so Phil recommended that we paint the doors in vinegar to hasten this process and thus allowing us to sand and seal the doors with tung oil.

The Build - Wk 31

Sealing and painting the plaster has commenced.  There is a rush on to complete all the ‘high’ jobs so that the scaffholding can be returned, this included sanding and lacquering the celery top posts.